Tractorbot Bobesh Mk2


Tractorbot Bobesh Mk2 is my second robot and it’s an upgrade of Tractorbot Mk1 . It helped me to win two bronze medals this year at the national championship in electronics and radio-electronics of youth and at the Czech Robotic Day in Prague on 13th and14th June 2015 at the Ketchup House contest .


  1. IR remote controlled
  2. Programmed for Ketchup House

Home-made robotic control board with a “dual-core processor”:

PIC18F46K22 as Master MCU

  • GLCD 128x64
  • IR-receiver for remote control systems SFH 5110-38
  • 3x IDC 10-pin connectors with 20 free I/O pins of MCU (used to connect 3 external sensor boards)
  • UART communication with Slave MCU

PIC18F46K22 as Slave/MultiServo MCU

  • 3x motor driver L293D with paralleled outputs for 3 bidirectional DC motors (max 1.2 A each)
  • 1x Motor driver ULN2803A for 2 unipolar stepper motors (0.5 A per phase each)
  • N-MOSFET IRLB8743 for speaker switching
  • Voltage divider for battery control
  • Digital ampermeter AD8219 for total current measurement
  • 2x IDC 10-pin connectors with 16 free I/O pins of MCU (used to connect 2 mechanical limit switches)

Motors :

  • 3 geared motors salvaged from truck windshield wipers, originally for 24 VDC

2 motors for differential drive

1 motor with a gear from HP DJ printer used for a gripper (finally not applied for collecting ketchup cans; fixed wide-open collector used instead)

  • one unipolar stepper motor from a printer (just for fun)

External sensors boards :

  • ultrasonic ranging module HC-SR04 for an opponent detection
  • ultrasonic ranging module US-020 for ketchup can detection (finally not used)
  • 6x reflective object sensor QRD1114 ( 5x black line detection + 1x optical encoder) + 2 mechanical limit switches


  • 12 V SLA battery 7 Ah for motors and a speaker
  • 7805 for MCU and sensors

Mechanical parts:

  • A frame made of PC case
  • Wheels from Merkur (Czech Meccano)


Robotic control board:

External sensor board:


Front view:

Top view:

Bottom view on QRD1114 external board:

Bottom view on gripper gears:


Functional scheme of the control board - Master part:

Functional scheme of the control board - Slave part:

Soldering scheme of the control board on universal PCB (e=0.1"):

Scheme of the external sensor board:

Scheme of the ultrasonic module:

What to improve in the next version of Tractorbot Mk3:

  1. To double battery voltage to 24 V for increasing the robot´s speed.
  2. To add an electronic compass for position control after getting lost in the playground.
  3. To improve opponent detection by moving ultrasonic ranging module.

Attachment files

Name Size
Tractorbot2_schemes.pdf 77 kB
Tractorbot2_Master_EN.c 23.32 kB
Tractorbot2_Servo.c 14.1 kB
First published at on 21st December 2014