WS2811 RGB code maker for PIC

A program written in C# language in Visual Studio 2015. It generates a code for Microchip’s 8-bit PIC microcontrollers that drives smart RGB LEDs with integrated driver WS2811 using an inserted assembly code .


It allows to choose:

-       Required color of the LED by entering RGB values or using a graphical palette

-       PIC MCU oscillator frequency (16, 32, 64 MHz)

-       WS2811 driver speed (400 or 800 kHz)

-       PIC pin number

The code is generated by clicking on the button “Generate code” at the window bottom. The code consists of a header part with definitions (to be copied at the top of your program) and a body part containing a sequence of commands for a selected color. Then a code for a new color can be added by clicking on “Add new LED” button.



 First version made in December 2016


Files & Codes

RGBmaker_VisualStudio2015_Project.zip68 kB
RGBmaker_exe.zip8 kB