Conversion of Proxxon MF 70 micro miller to a 3-axial CNC


Proxxon MF70 micro miller can be easily converted to a small, but precise 3-axial CNC machine using stepper motors and gears from three old printers HP LaserJet 1018 or 1020 (probably also 1010, 1012, 1015 and 1022, but not confirmed), three stepper motor driver boards X-NUCLEO-IHM03A1 (3 ea) with powerSTEP01 drivers of STMicroelectronics and one development board with LCD touch panel DISCO-F746NG with ARM Cortex M7 microcontroller STM32F746NG of STMicroelectronics.

This set of four development boards together with a new electronic shield containing a few cheap electronic modules (RTCC, Wifi, Bluetooth, DC/DC step-down converter) will provide the following control functions:

      Manual control of CNC axes using LCD touch panel of DISCO-F746NG

      Automatic execution of g-code from an integrated SD card of DISCO-F746NG

      Loading g-code to the SD card remotely via USB, Ethernet, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth from computers or mobile devices (mobile phones, tablets).

      Connecting external sensors: end-stops on all axes, digital thermometers on all motors, thermo-camera MLX-90621 and a camera STM32F4DIS-CAM for visual control of machined parts.

      Data and video transfer from the CNC back to a computer or a mobile device for on-line diagnostics.

This simple and cheap CNC can be used for making printed circuit boards (PCB), engraving and milling wood, plastics or soft metals, especially in school labs and hobby clubs. The effective working area of the final CNC is approx. 130/43/74 mm X/Y/Z, micro-step resolution is 82 nanometers in all axes. The developed electronic hardware and software is not limited to Proxxon MF70 only, but it can also be used for much more powerful types of 3-axial CNC machines, with stepper motors up to 50 V / 10 A power limit each.

A short video of the first prototype of the CNC with an example of a simple PCB milling and drilling can be seen here for illustration:




The following manual describes an improved version of the first prototype and contains:

1.      Procedure for dismantling old HP LaserJet printers.

2.      Documentation of the electronic hardware, including Eagle CAD files and the bill of materials for the electronic shield with power supply, end-stop connectors, real-time clock and calendar module (RTCC), digital thermometers connectors, I2C output for thermo-camera and UART output for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules.

3.      Documentation of the mechanical hardware, including FreeCAD, STEP and STL files for their 3D printing.

4.      Procedure for the assembly of the electrical and mechanical parts to the CNC setup (work in progress).            

5.      Program for DISCO-F746NG for manual control and for automatic g-code loading from a SD card (work in progress).

6.      Video signal acquisition from a camera and a thermos-camera (work in progress).

7.      Programs for a PC and mobile devices for CNC remote control via USB, Ethernet, Wifi and/or Bluetooth (work in progress).


Dismantling HP LaserJet printers

The described conversion of the Proxxon MF70 miller to a CNC machine requires stepper motors Mitsumi M49SP-2K and specific gears from three HP LaserJet printers. These motors and gears are for sure used in HP LaserJet 1018 and 1020 series, probably (but not confirmed) also in 1010, 1012, 1015 and 1022 series. You will need to get three pieces of these old printers, the best for free from the electronic waste scrap yards, or eventually from eBay. The photos below show disassembly of HP LaserJet 1020:

1.      Unscrew all screws and remove all plastic parts from the printer. Pass the toner cartridge to the toner recycling facility.


2.      There is a set of gears under a steel plate with a green electronic board on the right side of the printer. You will need just the largest gear pointed to by the red arrow bellow:


3.      The stepper motor is screwed to the other side of the metal plate. Unscrew it and cut its leading wires at the powering board leaving as long wires as possible with the connector at the motor.



4.      The largest gear and the motor is all you will need from the printers for the CNC machine.

5.      You will however get much more materials from the printers, which you can use in other electronic or robotic projects. For example: lots of sheet metal, plastic plates, linear and rotary gears, steel rollers, screws and springs, four optical gates (switches/interrupters), electromagnet, and the best of all – the laser unit for which use you can find recipes elsewhere (but work with care!)




Documentation of the electronic hardware

You will need these parts for electronic hardware of the CNC machine:

-          DISCO-F746NG - a development board with STM32F746NG - ARM Cortex M7 series microcontroller, 4,3´´ LCD touch panel, ethernet and USB connectors, camera connector, SD card slot, external SDRAM and Flash memory chips, audio inputs and outputs, as the main control board and user interface.

-          3 ea X-NUCLEO-IHM03A1 – development boards with powerSTEP01 stepper motor driver, probably the most modern and powerful stepper motor driver available (50VDC/10A), with SPI communication for commands and diagnostics, up to 128 microsteps, 22-bit internal microstep counter, voltage or current regulation, running with user-defined speed profiles to selected positions etc.

-          Real-time clock and calendar module (RTCC) ZS-042 with DS3231 chip and AT24C32 EEPROM, communicating with the microcontroller of the main control board via I2C and keeping the real time and date for the control software (optional).

-          Wifi module ESP8266 for wireless communication with the CNC (optional).

-          Bluetooth module HC-05 for an alternative wireless communication with the CNC (optional). Please note that you can use either Wifi or Bluetooth for wireless communication, not both of them simultaneously.

-          DC/DC step-down module with LM2596 for effective 3V3 powering of the power-hungry WiFi module (avoiding overloading LDO of the main control board).

-          3 ea DS18B20 digital thermometers for control of the motor overheating.

-          MLX90621 thermocamera sensor for detection of the tool overheating (optional).

-          STM32F4DIS-CAM camera board for remote visual control of the CNC operation (optional).

-          Stabilized power supply 12 VDC, at least 4 A output (e.g. ATX old casdesktop computer power supplies or LED strips power supplies).

-          PCB board, single layer, approx. 100 x 85 mm.

-          15 ea 2-pin terminal connectors, pitch 5 mm (e.g. TB-5.0-P-2P)    

-          SMD 0805 resistors 3k9 (1 ea) and 10k (4 ea)

-          Microswitches of any suitable and miniature types as end stops (6 ea)

-          4-pin microphone connectors for connecting motors and thermocamera (4 ea)

-          5-pin microphone connectors for connecting end stops and digital thermometers (4 ea)

-          4-core shielded cable 4x0.25 mm2 for connecting motors and thermocamera (at least 5 meters)

-          5-core shielded cable 5x0.25 mm2 for end stops and digital thermometers (at least 5 meters)

-          PG9 plastic bushings for fixing cables entering control panel case (7 ea).

-          Auxiliary connectors: jumper (1 ea), 18-mm-long pins (32 ea), pin connectors with 2.54-mm-pitch (1 ea angled, 1 ea straight), 4x2 connector with 2.54-mm-pitch (1 ea), power connector 2.5/5.5 mm – see the photo with parts below.


Make printed circuit board of the electronic shield according to the following schemes (the Eagle CAD files are attached below):

Assemble the PCBs with components as shown in the schemes and the photos below.




Take the three X-NUCLEO-IHM03A1 motor driver boards and solder wires for chip select pins (CS) between these ports on the board as follows:

Driver board No. 1: no connection (CS1 pin stays as ported on the original board)

Driver board No. 2: connect 9th port of CN10 inner column with the 12th port at the same column and bend the 8th pin (CS1) below the board to the right angle, making CS2 pin connection.

Driver board No. 3: connect 9th port of CN10 inner column with the 13th port at the same column and bend the 8th pin (CS1) below the board to the right angle, making CS3 pin connection.


The electronic hardware is now ready for the final assembly.


Documentation of the mechanical hardware

This CNC conversion kit requires to 3D-print a few pieces of mechanical adapters for the Proxxon MF70 miller and a case for the Control Panel. All these mechanical parts are designed in FreeCAD  - an open-source parametric modeler and are exported to STEP format for compatibility with other CAD software, as well as to STL format for 3D printing. All the design files are attached below.

As for 3D printing, the Control Panel case can be printed from normal PLA with a low infill (20 %), but the parts to be mounted on the CNC machine are recommended to be printed from PETG with a high infill (50 %) to assure both good flexibility of PETG compensating for irregularities of fixtures, and high mechanical strength of these fixtures.

1.      Control Panel case consists of 3 parts - front panel, protection frame around the LCD and the back panel.




2.      Fixtures on the CNC axes consist of the following parts:

-          Axis holder (red)

-          Axis handle (black) holding the gear.

-          Motor holder (blue) for the stepper motor (yellow)

-          Connector lid



Axis holder is screwed to the Proxxon MF70 axes and holds the motor holder – it is designed specifically for the respective axis. 



Axis handle adapter (to be fixed to the manual handles of the Proxxon MF70 axes and holds the gear) should be printed in 3 pieces to cover all the axes.



Motor holders are designed specifically for each of the three axes and differ in size and position of the connector boxes.


One more connector box with a lid shall be printed separately to connect the far-end stops and thermo-camera cables. Three more separate lids for the connector boxes at the motor holders shall be printed as well.


Výsledek obrázku pro work in progress computer

The other chapters on final assembly and software are still in progress, so if interested in this project, please come back soon for more details or contact me at



Mechanical HW - STL files.zip237 kB
Mechanical HW FreeCAD files.zip2,5 MB
Electronic HW EagleCAD files.zip196 kB
Mechanical HW STEP files.zip351 kB