MH Graph Analyzer

A program written in C# language in Visual Studio 2012. It can upload, show and analyze up to 20 series and 100,000 lines of data in CSV format (“;” separated) with a single X-axis and two independent Y-axes.

It allows to:

-      zoom the graph with a mouse or by entering values to the textboxes of the axes, with a possible return to the    default values;

-       assign series to the primary or the secondary Y-axis or hide the series;

-       choose data points size;

-       read the values from graph by moving the cursor

-       automatically zoom the graph according to the max/min values of the selected series;

-       calculate maximum, minimum and average value of a selected series, max/min difference and standard deviation of the values in the zoomed window;

-       calculate the histogram of the selected series in the zoomed window.

First version made in March 2015.